Aug 2Liked by Riley S

What our country lacks, at all levels, in every part, setting aside the Supreme Court, is any belief by those whom we entrust to govern our country that they have a fiduciary responsibility to the country and its citizens. There is not one of them who will sacrifice their personal advantage to the best interests of the county. You make a case that perhaps Trump is an exception. I would like to believe that is true.

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Aug 2Liked by Riley S

I always loved Willy Mack, but I love him more now. Great insights and an interesting read.

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Very good article. What are your thoughts on Teddy Roosevelt? You mentioned Taft/Wilson, but not Teddy.

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Teddy has a mixed legacy, which is why I didn’t touch on it. I love Teddy the man, less so Teddy the President. 2 of his 3 greatest accomplishments- Trust-busting and the Panama Canal- were both McKinley’s ideas. Teddy also played too nice with Progressives, allowed them to take over his administration, and picked one of them to be his successor (Taft). He also gave the country into the hands of the most insane Progressives by running third party after his political moment was already in the past. I don’t mean to take away his accomplishments, or to bad-talk him, but he left the certain future of McKinley’s America in limbo. He is partially responsible for our departure from that great era.

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Aug 4Liked by Riley S

Precisely. He sowed, or fertilized, the seeds of destruction.

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Okay thank you. I agree, I like the man. I do like his National Parks system.

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