About Us

We are two Christian young men who care about the human condition, how the Bible’s perennial truths form Christian ethics, and how those ethics play out in culture, history, philosophy, and religion.

Landen is a sixth-generation Montanan, brilliant analyst and accomplished young man, having published his first book at 18 years old (which can be found here). He is studying to become an Army Surgeon, and is intensely passionate about his craft and matters of faith.

Riley is a voracious reader and comedic impressionist originally from Eastern Washington. He is studying Political Science, and wishes to squeeze out what little true education there is left in the University System to further a vision of a Christian Renaissance in America. You can find his idiotic Twitter here.

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Searching after the crux of history, philosophy, religion, politics, and culture from a young, Christian point of view


Christian. “I never discuss anything except politics and religion. There is nothing else to discuss.” Co-host of the Crux of the Matter podcast w/ Landen. Sometimes known as "BigTuna" around other parts of the Web.
Seeker of the "deeper truths,” the wisdom, the understanding, that is hidden in the space between, that which is experienced but cannot be spoken.
What's to say? You'll find out about me sooner or later ;)